3 Poems by Ann Huang

Witchy and Wonderful


The plants that converge to your vegetable garden
are showing all things yours are forsaken.
It is erroneous you and I are connected by flesh, tight
by hurricanes and lulling waves, evenings brightened
with no ecstasy. My words have kept you alive
the ways you imagined. Or now you’ve
become the Space-Oddity Man. The tastes on my tongue delved
in your skin’s flavor. The many kings before you favored
dust like diamonds in their headrests, and more love
gets sold to whom knife-pleat by the mundane.
Twelve-year-old Frenchie snore-slept in her queen bed,
outside my prison ward, asphalt-black ravens and yellow eyeballs
attacking. This is what’s left of us. You, up in my ceiling,
pages turned, commanding all but generalizing.



All the Love


All the love there is in you—
Till your words begin to fly
Against my blank page;


All the love you’ve given to me—
Till your new world
Begins to separate
Our archaic life;


All your love and cry for time-being before _______
Till your words begin to feel
Real:  ____________
A world that is undivided and divine.



Love Evolution


Who sees the wonders in your voice?
Who sees the smile on my face when you break ice?

Who knows your unblemished love?
What made me a woman of joy with burned stoves?

Someone has to deploy all;
Someone has lost his (/blue) kale.

Who wants to take me to the orifice?
Why need my name for the sacrifice?


Ann— the ‘grace’ spill of a girl withstanding the altar
Who keeps your light in her dark swirls.



Ann Huang is a multilingual Chinese American poet, filmmaker and visual artist based in Newport Beach, CA. Her poetry has been featured in Denver Quarterly, Alexandria Quarterly, Ruth Stone, FENCE, CONFRONTATION, Poets Choice, Contemporary Verse 2, Rue Scribe, The Blue Mountain Review, The Elevation Review, Helen Lit Mag, The Florida Review, The Bare Life Review, The Bookends Review, Tiny Seed Journal, The Write Launch, and Verse Wrights. She’s Ephemera’s June 2023 Poet. Her latest manuscript Garden by The Glass Door is the Wisconsin Poetry Series’ 2024 Semi-Finalist.



