Whiskey Radish was educated in French literature at Barnard College, Columbia University, during the raucous punk era of the later ‘70s; her honors thesis was on Rimbaud. She now owns and runs a small art school in Lexington, MA. For seventeen years, on Friday nights, she worked at the famed Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge, MA, where she was the bouncer. In April 2024, she was part of a panel hosted by Carolyn Hembree on humor in women’s poetry at the New Orleans Poetry Festival, where she also gave a workshop on nDada poetry. In addition to Rougarou, nDada poems can be found in The Columbia Review, Blackbox Manifold, Fevers of the Mind, New Note Poetry, Oxford Review of Books, Red Ogre Review, JAKE, and The Harvard Advocate. She is currently working on an anthology of nDada poetry with G C Meinzer, thanks to a grant from Barnard College, Columbia University. For this, they are collecting nDada poems from college students around the country and beyond –– and also from all others who are willing and curious. Please visit www.nDadaPublic.org for more info. The nDada style hit Ms Radish on a train ride from NYC to Boston in August 2022.